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Development of DUR Criteria

국민의 안전과 건강을 지키는 한국의약품안전관리원

홈 > DUR > Development of DUR Criteria

  1. 1. How is it developed?

    The DUR criteria development process is shown below. Target drugs are selected based on the clinical use and significance, and their drug label information is reviewed. Additional review of clinical guidelines and further literature review is performed. Based on the collected information and expert opinions, KIDS submit the final conclusion to MFDS.

    Assessment of DUR Information

    We also evaluate current use of the target drugs to examine the actual usage in patients and how they are clinically significant especially in terms of adverse drug reactions. Korea Adverse Event Reporting System (KAERS) database and other claims data from various sources are used for analysis.

    Steps of DUR information review

    KIDS evaluate and develop DUR criteria both regularly and in as-needed basis. Regular evaluation is done for frequently prescribed drugs, drugs with safety issues, and drugs requiring interventions. This is evaluated and updated regularly. Special evaluation is done when clinicians submit suggestions regarding DUR criteria change or further examination of previous criteria.

  2. 2. Current status of DUR information (as of 2024.11.29.)

    Types of information No.
    Contraindicated Drugs Drug-Drug Interaction 1378
    Drug-Age Conflict 203
    Drug-Pregnancy Conflict 1183
    Drugs to be used with caution Therapeutic Duplication 391
    Incorrect Drug Dosage 327
    Incorrect Duration of drug treatment 57
    Geriatric Precaution 107
    Lactation Precaution 148
    Drug Split Precaution 2262
