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TITLE [Press Release] Online Videos to Replace Regional Training Workshops for NIMS Users in the First Half of 2020 - KIDS replaces collective training sessions to remote training to prevent COVID-19
WRITER NIMS DATE 2020-07-03 HIT 5111

Online Videos to Replace Regional Training Workshops for NIMS Users in the First Half of 2020
- KIDS replaces collective training sessions to remote training to prevent COVID-19 -

Anyang, REPUBLIC OF KOREA, April 20 Korea Institute of Drug Safety & Risk Management (hereinafter KIDS, President Soon Young Han) has announced that all regional training workshops will be replaced by online videos to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

As regional training workshops are postponed to the second half of the year, KIDS published online video training materials to ease the inconvenience of narcotics handlers who experience difficulty in accessing the latest news about NIMS.

The video training materials are three in total: Introduction of Narcotics Handling Report System (NHRS) and the end of grace period for medical professionals and retailers on report submission on manufacturing number and expiration date of narcotics subject to general management, Introduction of the NIMS website and how to use the site, and the Introduction to the report submission methods and error detection function. The video training materials are about 20 minutes long and are accessible on the NIMS website and other SNS.

In response to the Government’s announcement on COVID-19 social distancing, KIDS plans to continue sharing news about NHRS through phone counseling, leaflets, posts, and SNS. KIDS will decide on whether to reschedule regional training workshops depending on the Government’s update on COVID-19.

All video training materials are available online via www.nims.or.kr under the Manual tab.For other inquiries, please find contact information at https://www.drugsafe.or.kr/iwt/ds/en/bbs/EgovBbs.do?bbsId=BBSMSTR_000000000321&nttId=3543&pageIndex=1&searchCnd=&searchWrd=

