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TITLE [Press Release] All about Narcotics Handling Report System (NHRS) - KIDS publishes 3rd edition of online FAQ booklets about NHRS
WRITER NIMS DATE 2020-06-22 HIT 7766

All about Narcotics Handling Report System (NHRS)
- KIDS publishes 3rd edition of online FAQ booklets about NHRS -

Anyang, REPUBLIC OF KOREA, March 31 Korea Institute of Drug Safety & Risk Management (hereinafter KIDS, President Soon Young Han) has published a 3rd edition of the online ‘FAQ booklets about Narcotics Handling Report System (NHRS)’ (‘자주 묻는 질의·응답집’) to further assist narcotics handlers with using Narcotics Information Management System (NIMS).

The 3rd edition of the booklet introduces 207 cases of frequently asked questions by narcotics handlers and person who has obtained approval for handling narcotics.

The booklet also reflects the December 2019 Amendment to the Act which expands on the compulsory indications on prescriptions and incorporates questions related to the change.

Indications on Prescriptions (Narcotics Control Act Article 32 Clause 2) When a medical practitioner handling narcotics issues a prescription including narcotic drugs, he/she shall state the location of business place, the trade name or title, and his/her license number on such a prescription, and then sign or affix his/her seal upon it.

To best assist narcotics handlers, the booklet is published in six versions for each type of narcotics handlers: pharmaceutical companies, wholesalers, general hospitals, pharmacies, veterinaries, and academic researchers as well as a person who has obtained approval for handling narcotics. The main contents include the introduction of NHRS, reporting methods, and how to use NIMS.

KIDS hoped that “the new edition will help all narcotics handlers using NIMS” and stated they “will continue to incorporate law changes in FAQ booklets.”

The 3rd edition of the online ‘FAQ booklets about Narcotics Handling Report System (NHRS)’ is available on www.nims.or.kr under Resources tab. For other inquiries, please find contact information at https://www.drugsafe.or.kr/iwt/ds/en/bbs/EgovBbs.do?bbsId=BBSMSTR_000000000321&nttId=3543&pageIndex=1&searchCnd=&searchWrd=

